Sunday, April 18, 2010

U.S. Foreign Policy

Source: Newsweek

Date: April 8, 2010

Title: If Standing At Ground Zero Doesn't Make You A Foreign-Policy Expert, What Does?

Author: Ben Adler

Summary: Ben Adler addresses who has political significance when it comes to foreign policy. Recently Greg Sargent, a political writer, complained about former Mayor Rudi Giuliani appearing on CNN and MSNBC to discuss Obama's foreign policy. Giuliani's standpoint was that by not threatening the nations with the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT), Obama is simply isolating Iran and North Korea more. Sargent argues that with no national security background or basis for dealing with foreign-policy issues, Giuliani has no say whatsoever in the discussion. Adler then questions Sargent's criteria of who exactly does have a say in foreign-policy. He notes how John-McCain's claims that Iran was aiding Al-Qaeda were false, and that by asking for persons who do have political background in foreign-policy don't always make correct statements either. Adler admits to Giuliani's error in his statements of foreign-policy, but also points out that big cable networks aren't really looking for someone with credentials, just someone with a big name.

Analysis: Adler uses Sargent's criticism as means to probe a bigger question, who has authority when it comes to foreign-policy? Sargent does not think Giuliani or anyone without credentials deserves to have a stand on the issue, but Adler states that people even with experience in the field don't necessarily make correct assumptions and statements. Adler understands where Sargent is coming from and expresses his views on how cable TV networks appeal to the most people by using big named people.

My Take: I agree with both Sargent and Adler. Mayor Giuliani doesn't really have any significance when speaking about foreign-policy, but then again it is just an opinion. The execution of foreign-policy I think should be left up to the federal government, however, opinions on how it should be dealth with I believe should be open for discussion by anyone.

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