Sunday, April 18, 2010

Civil Rights/ Civil Liberties

Source: CNN Politics

Date: March 11, 2010

Title: Court clears reciting of Pledge of Allegiance at Western Schools

Author: Bill Mears

Summary: The 9th Circuit of U.S. Court Appeals recently ruled 2-1 in favor of the recitation of the Pledge of Allegiance in Western District Schools. The suit was brought on by a group of several atheist parents from the west coast led by Michael Newdow. After being dismissed in 2004 by the US Supreme Court, Newdow appealed to the 9th Circuit in 2010 only to be denied once again. Looking forward Newdow plans to appeal once again to the US Supreme Court, but is aware of his slim chances of being heard. The courts ruled that the reciting of the pledge is not a violation of the "Establishment Clause" stated in the first amendment. The Supreme Knight Carl Anderson, of the Knights of Columbus, stated the courts had made the right decision on the basis that the Pledge is not a religious affiliation, but rather a patriotic one.

Analysis: The case that Newdow had brought to the courts was something he thought violated the US constitution by forcing students to recite the Pledge of Allegiance. However, it is noted that students do not have to participate in the recital if they choose not to. Some parents felt that the social pressures were enough to force religious beliefs onto children, but the courts did not feel the same way. All in all the decision was made based on the choice to recite the Pledge or not, therefore, it was not an infringement of civil rights.

My Take: I think that any court case that involves the Pledge of Allegiance is foolish. I agree that there is social pressure to recite it, but schools do not force it upon students to recite the Pledge. As for the religious aspect, I agree the reference to God may be offensive to some, but should not be taken as an oath towards God in any form. But rather as a patriotic statement meant to unify our nation.

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